Hello everyone - I hope you are well.
Later this evening, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will be sharing his government's plans for the coming weeks and months. We believe this will include his intention for how school's will move towards a return to some form of normality. Speculation has been rife over the past few days but we have no clear understanding of the direction that will be taken other than we believe a phased return is likely, which means that not all children would return at the same time.
My only priority is the safety of our families and our team. Any decisions that are made, following any guidance that is provided, will be based on that priority only. I have been appalled by many scenes of gatherings over the weekend and we therefore need to be convinced that the science provided is clear that school openings are safe, even if the number of children attending is limited. All schools are also following union guidance on this very closely.
Presuming that clear guidance is provided, and I am not convinced that this will be the case following recent experience, I will work alongside our governing body and the school's leadership team to plan the next steps for the school. We will also be supported and potentially directed by both the Lincolnshire Diocese and the Local Authority.
We are all eager to return and see our brilliant children again but we need to ensure that we are doing all we can to for this to be done safely.
I imagine tonight's briefing will trigger numerous questions for all of us, not just school related but linked to your own personal circumstances too. It is my intention that the school's plan for how we move forward will be shared with you as soon as possible, so can I request that if you have any questions, that these are saved until any plan is posted on our website as it may provide the answers you require.
I will aim to post again in the coming days.
Stay Safe everyone.
Mr Duke