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Curriculum Implementation


We have created a thematic approach to our curriculum inspired by a range of high-quality and diverse picture books, novels, graphic novels, poetry and non-fiction texts. Skills and knowledge can be taught discreetly in subject areas so that our children gain an understanding of each subject and know exactly which subject they are studying; the children are historians in history and artists in art, for example.

However, the curriculum is designed to embed transferable skills throughout by using a termly key text alongside supporting texts to provide a broad understanding of the areas studied and enable strong cross-curricular links to be made across the year and throughout their primary learning journey. High-quality texts are integral to our Reading-Inspired Curriculum, as we recognise fluency in reading enables children to have access to the full curriculum entitlement. We believe it is our role to ensure children leave us being able to articulate themselves clearly, and read and write confidently and effectively.

To further support and embed an understanding of the termly themes, children engage in learning experiences, including visits to relevant places, school visitors or a practical activity or experiences led by the school team.

PSHE lies at the heart of our curriculum to closely meet the needs of the children. We use the core concepts of Living in the Wider World, Relationships and Health and Wellbeing, which are threaded into our curriculum or taught discreetly using picture books or the termly themes.

The Knowledge and Skills Progression frameworks ensure learning is sequenced so that children build knowledge and skills over time – both within the year group curriculum and building on and making connections with prior knowledge from their journey. Opportunities are created for children to practice and apply knowledge in a range of different contexts, so that they achieve deep, long term learning, showcased in the outcomes.  
