Promoting fundamental British Values at Blyton cum Laughton CE Primary School
At BcL we think it is important to help children understand the democratic process. A good example of that was the General Election we held in the lead up to the last General Election. Children at the Blyton site experienced the election process within their house teams: Humber, Witham, Trent and Ancholme.
The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated in Promoting Fundamental British Values as part of SMSC in Schools, DfE November 2014.
At Blyton cum Laughton CE Primary School these values are reinforced regularly alongside our six key core Christian values and through the BcL Reading-Inspired Curriculum which was established in 2018.
We actively teach and promote Fundamental British values in the following ways:
Democracy: Making decisions together
We have a Junior Leadership Team (JLT) which has two representatives from each class and includes the Head Boy and Head Girl from year 6 who are nominated by staff. The JLT meets regularly to discuss issues raised in class, from other school situations or to develop fundraising ideas. The JLT have worked with Mr Duke to identify gaps in resources in the outdoor spaces and with the 'Friends of the School' to develop fundraising opportunities. They have previously helped to organise the Summer Fayre which raised over £800 for the school and for the RSPCA - their nominated charity.
The JLT work industriously, developing their debating and listening skills to impact on school life. Every child is voted in by their class. We actively try to involve all children in decision making throughout the school and recently enjoyed a Democracy Day to provide children with the opportunity to organise, design and perform a campaign for their house team. Children in Clover class are given responsibilities to prepare them for secondary school which inspire discussion and decision making, including taking on the roles of librarians, carbon ambassadors and Junior Road Safety Officers.
The Rule of Law: Understanding rules
The importance of laws are consistently reinforced at Blyton cum Laughton Church of England Primary School. School rules are discussed at the beginning of every academic year and are used as a form of discussion. Each class decides on a set of class rules which are signed by the children once agreement has been reached.
Children are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Where possible we link the explanation of laws and rules with their own experiences including out on the sports field, in the classroom and in the playground. Visits from the clergy and the PSCO help to ensure these messages are shared.
Individual Liberty: Freedom for all
At Blyton cum Laughton CE Primary School, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our e:Safety and PSHE lessons. We use the school newsletter to further inform children of the need to 'stay safe' and provide opportunities for children to express their views on these issues. The positions of responsibility that are offered at the school also showcase opportunities to share views and develop those areas through pupil voice. For example, children who have earned 40 reward stickers in a term have a choice of books to select for each class in the school.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance: Treat others as you want to be treated
Mutual respect is at the heart of our values. All members of the school community treat each other with respect.
At Blyton cum Laughton CE Primary School we actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. Throughout the year our learning environments celebrate diversity. Collective worship, Religious Education lessons and PSHE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others often through the use of the Bible, religious stories from around the world and picture books exploring the lives and experiences of key figures of the past. The 'Big Question' wall displays children's responses to questions relating to core British Values including tolerance. The curriculum provides stimulating opportunities to find similarities between Christianity and other religions. Throughout the year the children share their learning linked to all cultures and religions.
At Blyton cum Laughton CE Primary School, we will actively challenge children, staff, parents, governors or visitors expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values, including ‘extremist’ views.
Opportunities for developing SMSC
Opportunities for students to:
Opportunities for students to:
Opportunities for students to:
Opportunities for students to:
Opportunities are created for the development of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development through our Reading-Inspired Curriculum in each subject area and in other wider school opportunities including: the PSHE curriculum, assemblies, educational visits, visitors to school, Junior Leadership Team, Collective Worship Council, special events (fund raising, cultural experiences) and enrichment activities during the school day and after school.