Chair of Governors: Mr James Parman (Foundation Governor) | I am a father of three, now retired after a career in law enforcement. I have lived in Blyton and surrounding villages for nearly thirty years and currently live in Scotter. My youngest child has now moved onto secondary education after receiving her primary schooling at Blyton cum Laughton. We chose Blyton cum Laughton School for her due to its reputation. I hope as a governor I can make a positive contribution towards school improvement. Area of responsibility: Safeguarding & Child Protection, Wider Curriculum Governance role in other schools: On Governing Body of Meynell Kindergarten, Laughton |
Mr Mike Lloyd Foundation Governor | I became a Parent Governor some 30 years ago at the old Laughton School serving for a number of years as Vice Chairman and Chairman before the merger with Blyton School in 2004. I continue to serve on the Blyton cum Laughton School Governors as a Foundation Governor with a particular focus on the Finance and Personnel Sub Committee and Curriculum and Standards Sub Committee. I am pleased to say that since I retired from the working in Logistics in the steel industry I have thoroughly enjoyed spending more time in School and certainly find my current role as Governor Lead for Literacy both challenging and rewarding. I continue to support the steel industry by working part time in providing sport and leisure activities not only for the employees but also the wider community in North Lincs. Area of responsibility: English (including phonics) Governance role in other schools: None |
Head teacher:
Mr Karl Duke | I was appointed Headteacher of the school in September 2016. Prior to the post I worked as Trust Lead for Teaching and Learning at a multi-academy trust in the county. For six years I worked as a Teaching and Learning Consultant for CfBT, supporting many schools across the Lincolnshire region. I have previously represented staff as a governor at Sturton by Stow Primary School, been a Director for a multi-academy trust and in recent years helped to lead a school, as Chair of Governors, through a successful Ofsted inspection. Governance role in other schools: None |
Staff Governor:
Mrs Sarah Holt | Governance role in other schools: None |
Ms Sarah Curtis (Vice Chair) Foundation Governor | I have lived in Blyton for the last twenty years. I have two sons both of whom attended BCL School and now attend the QEHS in Gainsborough. I was appointed as a Foundation Governor having previously served four years as a Parent Governor; I have seen the school go from strength to strength. I work full time in Sales and Finance and am currently a Sales Director for a large US company. I like to try new challenges and recently completed the London Marathon. I hope my knowledge of business and my ability to rise to a challenge helps the school help every child that crosses the door. Area of responsibility: Pupil Premium and Sports Funding Governance role in other schools: None |
Foundation Governor (Vacancy) | |
Rev Mark Briscoe | I have been an ex officio governor since 2010 - the school’s Church of England affiliation meaning the vicar automatically becomes a governor. Over the years I have learned about governance from a pastoral and spiritual perspective through experience and involvement with the school and through attending Diocesan and Local Authority training courses. The role of a governor is challenging as well as rewarding. It is an important supporting role to the work of head teacher, staff and education of the children. It requires asking searching questions of those who teach and work in the school and offering fresh perspectives on shared problems and achievements. I have always understood the role as serving the staff and children of the school whose welfare and education is vital to the future of society. I am part of the Governing Body to help grow the Christian character of the school. Area of responsibility: Religious Education Governance role in other schools: None |
Parent Governor Vacancy | Area of responsibility: Governance role in other schools: |
| |
Mr Nathan Verran Local Authority Governor | I moved from Nottingham to Blyton thirteen years ago after securing a job at Queen Elizabeth’s High School in Gainsborough. I am still working there and I am currently the head of the mathematics faculty. Both my children attended Blyton cum Laughton school from Reception to Year 6 and had a very positive experience. The school nurtured their talents and created a safe and caring environment where they could thrive. I am now in a position where I can give something back to the school and I am hoping that my experience in education will be an asset to the governing body. Area of responsibility: Mathematics, SEND Governance role in other schools: None |
Mr Ben Rollett Parent Governor | I have lived in Blyton for over 30 years and attended Blyton school myself back in the 1980’s. I currently have two children that attend Blyton cum Laughton school and a third recently moved onto secondary education. I work as a Chief Executive for a local Charity and I am also the Chair of Blyton Parish Council. I am looking forward to helping the school in my role as Parent Governor. Area of responsibility: English (including phonics) Governance role in other schools: None |
Mrs Sarah Addleshaw Foundation Governor | I have lived in Blyton for 4 years although my husband's family have been in Blyton for many years. I have a daughter at Blyton cum Laughton School and I currently work for the NHS in Hull in Human Resources. I hope my knowledge of HR and large public sector organisations can help the school and in turn support every child to do their very best. Area of responsibility: Wider Curriculum Governance role in other schools: None |
Mrs Gismy George Foundation Governor | Area of responsibility: Health & Safety Governance role in other schools: None |
Clerk to Governors: Mrs Sallie Patterson | As Clerk to Governors I provide advice and information on the procedure for governors’ meetings in accordance with the Instrument of Government and Education (School Government) Regulations and on matters involving the law and procedure. I convene and attend all meetings of the governing body and sub-committees, maintain minutes, records, register of members and vacancies. As an administrator, information manager and independent adviser, I support the governors and therefore school improvement. I also work in the School Offices at Blyton and Laughton as Admin Assistant and can be contacted on Mondays and Fridays 8.45am – 4.00pm. At any other time please speak to a member of the School Admin Team who will put you in contact with me. Any correspondence for the governors should be directed to me in the first instance. |