Children in the reception class work towards the Early Learning Goals by means of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. We provide parental workshops throughout the year to share with you strategies to help children at home. Regular opportunities are provided for parents to visit school, for example, 'Stay and Play' which is a huge success. We use Tapestry, an online App, which enhances learning and communication at home and school.
Key Stage 1 and 2:
Our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 curriculum is in accordance with National Curriculum requirements made up of the following elements:
a) Religious Education and Collective Worship
b) The core subjects of Mathematics, English and Science.
c) The foundation subjects of History, Geography, Design & Technology, Music, Art, Computing, Physical Education, PSHE & Citizenship.
Special Educational Needs (Mrs Briscoe)
Our policy is to provide for all pupils with special educational needs. The policy includes detailed information about the school’s philosophy, processes and procedures in terms of our provision for all pupils with special educational needs, with reference to staffing, other support and links with parents.
Your child will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which will include as much work as possible under the National Curriculum. Your child may be identified as having Special Educational Needs if he or she is experiencing learning difficulties and requires special help or provision.
Parents are involved in the development of Individual Learning Programmes with the class teacher and the Special Needs Co-ordinator. The success of a particular programme is reviewed and a decision made on the next steps to take for the benefit of the child.
If problems persist assistance will be sought for additional support from outside agencies – this support can be in two forms: a special needs assistant to work with an individual child and outreach support from special school staff to assist the class teacher in the further assessment of particular difficulties and the setting of individualised learning programmes.
At an appropriate stage, with the consent of the parents, the LA Educational Psychologist will be consulted and if necessary a formal assessment will be made.
All children on the special needs register have a review of their progress each term to which parents are invited and the children’s views are sought.
High-Attaining Children
Some pupils are assessed as working well above the expected norm for their age. We will meet their needs by ensuring they are taught at the appropriate skill level in the relevant curriculum areas.
Healthy Schools Initiative
We pride ourselves on being a healthy school and children are encouraged to bring fresh drinking water into school daily. All the children are given a water bottle when they start school and can then be purchased from the school office. Additionally, Key Stage 1 children are provided with a piece of fruit at morning break time. Key Stage 2 pupils bring fruit or a healthy cereal bar for morning break. We also have our Healthy Tuck Shop at the KS2 site, a piece of fruit can be brought from the tuck shop for 20p. (This is not currently running due to COVID19)
If you should have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.