Led by Mrs Batey
As a Church of England voluntary-aided school we closely follow the Christian calendar, recognising Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.
In Religious Education, we use a thematic approach incorporating all subjects and utilising the agreed Lincolnshire Education Syllabus alongside Understanding Christianity. This provides a central focus on the study of Christianity, including Christian beliefs and practices, and the Bible. Other religions, including Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, are also studied in some depth. It is hoped that by providing a wide range of experiences the child will become more aware of His world, Himself and other people, and will be able to appreciate moral qualities linked to our own Christian Values of Friendship, Courage, Hope, Thankfulness, Compassion and Trust.
As a Church of England school we have a daily act of worship which is broadly Christian based. We have close links with local churches and Reverend Mark Briscoe regularly leads acts of worship both in school and in the village churches.
Parents and carers have a right to withdraw their children from acts of worship and religious knowledge lessons. Requests for this should be made to the Head Teacher stating the reasons why in writing.