I wanted to express my thanks this morning.
Firstly, to everyone who has received or is due to receive vouchers through the government's Free School Meal voucher scheme. Like many Headteachers, I do believe Michael Gove made an error last week in saying that these would be available during the Easter holiday. Clearly the government could not go back on this so they are now playing catch up to ensure families rightly receive what they should. We therefore require your patience as they face a huge backlog in people expecting the vouchers to appear in their inbox. I know through talking to many Heads across the country that the majority of schools are in the same boat. I assure you we are doing all we can to get them to you.
My second thanks is to Miss Miller, who I know is working with you to ensure any issues are dealt with effectively. She will continue to do all she can to help during this time and it is very much appreciated.
StaySafe everyone. We miss you.