We have been preparing learning packs for the children which:
- will be sent home with your child by Friday
- could be picked up by you tomorrow if you are not self-isolating
- can be picked up and delivered by a family friend at your request
All remaining packs will be posted on Monday to ensure you have learning at home to support the online options we have added to the Parent Tab - Useful Links.
Following guidance, the packs are suitable for your child but do not comprise of new learning. However, the school curriculum is available online to make links to subjects like history and geography.
I will be posting a timetable template shortly which may help as a guide for you in the coming weeks.
We will also continue to add ideas and links to the website to support you as much as possible and would be delighted to see photos of learning and experiences during this time. I will be posting on Twitter, so do please share children's learning via that format.
Thank you
Mr Duke