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  • Covid-19 Update: School Trips

    Tue 17 Mar 2020 Mr Duke

    I have made the decision to postpone the proposed whole school trip to the Lincolnshire Show until 2021. With the next few weeks and possibly months being unsettled due to the coronavirus outbreak there is too much of a risk attached. The Show may go ahead but there can be no guarantee of that at the moment. 

    I am also aware that parents and carers have paid substantial amounts towards the Y6 residential and the Y4/5 trip to Mount Cook and the time ahead may be challenging for many financially. Therefore, I will aim to let you know by Monday 23rd March - as I think we will all know more then - whether the trips are being cancelled, triggering the refunding process. 

    Thank you to everyone for your understanding during this time. 

    Mr Duke 

  • Covid-19 Update: Useful Educational Links

    Tue 17 Mar 2020 Mr Duke

    We are composing a list of useful educational websites for children who are currently self-isolating or in case of school closure at a later date.

    In addition, in preparation for a potential school closure, we are putting together a learning pack for each class. These will include a range of maths, reading, writing and curriculum tasks. Where possible, we also suggest children continue using TTRockStars and Spelling Shed. 

    The websites can be found under the 'Useful Links' section of the Parent tab. 

    Thank you for your understanding at this time. Take care. 

    Mr Duke

  • Covid-19 Update

    Sun 15 Mar 2020 Mr Duke


    As of Sunday 15th March, there is no change to the guidance given to schools regarding the Coronavirus. 

    The guidance from the DfE is as follows: 


    'To support the delay of the spread of the virus, the Department for Health and Social Care has asked anyone who shows certain symptoms to stay at home for 7 days, regardless of whether they have travelled to affected areas. This means that people should stay at home and avoid all essential contact with others for 7 days from the point of displaying mild symptoms, to slow the spread of infection. 

    The symptoms are: 

    - A high temperature (37.8 degrees and above)

    - A new, continuous cough' 


    If you feel that your child may be showing the signs of virus please follow the guidance above. Children who do show potential signs of the virus will be given a 'y' code in the register meaning they are 'unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances'. 


    Please note that children who are kept off school because parents/carers are worried about the virus will be classed as an unauthorised absence. 


    For the near future, community events in school will be reduced significantly in order to help delay the potential impact of the virus. Celebration Worship will take place but we will not be inviting families to attend. After talking to Reverend Mark, the Easter Service has been cancelled as we are aware that they are often attended by the most vulnerable in our communities. The Easter Crafternoon is also cancelled for the same reason. 


    We do not take these decisions lightly as the events are so important to us, but we feel it is better to be cautious at this incredibly challenging time. 


    In the coming weeks we do expect the virus to impact on the school through staff and pupil absence due to the need for self-isolation. With this in mind we are putting together a continuity plan for when this occurs to enable us to stay open as long as possible. We will await further official guidance regarding any possible school closures which have been mentioned as a possibility today in the media. 


    If you do come into school in the forthcoming days, please use the hand sanitiser available in the entrance at each site. 


    Thank you for your understanding. We need to work together to ensure our children and families are as safe as possible. 

    Mr Duke
